Results for 'Leiry Kelly Oliveira'

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    E Do Medo Se Fez Riso Ou Dos Usos Do Medo Em Aristófanes: Metacomédia e Construção de Personagem.Jane Kelly de Oliveira - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 33 (33):91-101.
    O presente artigo resulta da palestra por mim proferida durante o I Simpósio de Filosofia e Literatura Clássica da Universidade Federal de Tocantins “O medo entre os Gregos e os Latinos” e da discussão que a sucedeu. Na época do evento, ocorrido de forma remota na segunda quinzena de maio de 2022, o mundo estava submerso na pandemia de Covid-19 há mais de dois anos e sofria com as inseguranças e os medos que tal situação fomentava. Diante desse contexto, nosso (...)
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    Fatores de personalidade e sintomatologia depressiva de pacientes com fibromialgia.Ketry Johnston de Oliveira Martel, Sibeli Carla Garbin Zanin, Vinicius Renato Thomé Ferreira, Kelly Zanon de Bortoli Pisoni & Carine Tabaczinski - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):45-60.
    A presença de sintomas depressivos em pacientes crônicos é comum e está associada com a redução da qualidade de vida. Esse estudo em questão, objetivou levantar a sintomatologia depressiva em pacientes fibromiálgicos crônicos e identificar sua relação com características de personalidade. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos, homens e mulheres, com idades entre 32 a 62 anos, com diagnóstico de fibromialgia e em processo de tratamento clínico. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se (...)
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    Gastric bypass: post‐operative complications in individuals with and without preoperative dietary guidance.Janaína S. Kreft, Juliana Montebelo, Kelly C. P. Fogaça, Irineu Rasera & Maria Rita M. Oliveira - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):169-171.
  4. Too wicked to die : the enduring legacy of humane reforms to solitary confinement.Kelly Struthers Munford, Kelly Hannah-Moffat & Alex Hunter - 2017 - In Joshua Nichols (ed.), Legal violence and the limits of the law. New York: Routledge.
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    A Dictionary without Definitions: Romanticist Science in the Production and Presentation of the Grimm Brothers’ German Dictionary, 1838–1863.Kelly Kistner - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (4):683-707.
    ArgumentBetween 1838 and 1863 the Grimm brothers led a collaborative research project to create a new kind of dictionary documenting the history of the German language. They imagined the work would present a scientific account of linguistic cohesiveness and strengthen German unity. However, their dictionary volumes (most of which were arranged and written by Jacob Grimm) would be variously criticized for their idiosyncratic character and ultimately seen as a poor, and even prejudicial, piece of scholarship. This paper argues that such (...)
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    The Christian role in today's society.George Anthony Kelly - 1967 - New York,: Random House.
  7. Preface.Kelly Jolley - 1996 - Reason Papers 21:3-4.
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    A literatura apocalíptica: o gênero como expressão.Dionísio Oliveira Soares - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):99-113.
    A literatura chamada de “apocalíptica” tem recebido uma renovada apreciação nos últimos anos. Entretanto, percebe-se certa confusão terminológica que, por fim, leva a uma classificação equivocada do gênero de certos escritos. O presente artigo tem por finalidade analisar as conceituações e as expressões literárias da apocalíptica, com o intuito de se chegar a uma definição mais clara do tema, distinguindo apocalipse enquanto gênero literário e apocalíptica enquanto mentalidade , com as formas básicas de expressão literária do gênero e seus paralelos (...)
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  9. Evading the Doxastic Puzzle by Deflating Epistemic Normativity.Luis R. G. Oliveira - 2020 - In Scott Stapleford & Kevin McCain (eds.), Epistemic Duties: New Arguments, New Angles. New York: Routledge. pp. 44-62.
    What I call the Doxastic Puzzle, is the impression that while each of these claims seems true, at least one of them must be false: (a) Claims of the form ‘S ought to have doxastic attitude D towards p at t’ are sometimes true at t, (b) If Φ-ing at t is not within S’s effective control at t, then it is false, at t, that ‘S ought to Φ at t’, (c) For all S, p, and t, having doxastic (...)
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    Positive and negative appraisals of the consequences of activated states uniquely relate to symptoms of hypomania and depression.Rebecca E. Kelly, Warren Mansell, Vaneeta Sadhnani & Alex M. Wood - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):899-906.
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    The imitation of models and the uses of argumenta in topical invention.Douglas Kelly - 1987 - Argumentation 1 (4):365-377.
    Medieval literature is argumentative, since it argues for an idealized vision of reality acceptable to a proposed audience. Its narrative mode is description, performed according to the principles of the art of topical invention, derived from Cicero's De Inventione. The topoi or loci are features (circumstantiae) of a person or thing that are common to it as a class, such as tempus or locus for things. When filled out, according to the point of view desired by the author, public, context, (...)
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    The Persians: An Introduction (review).Kelly A. MacFarlane - 2008 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 101 (4):558-559.
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    Psychic space and social melancholy.Kelly Oliver - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin (eds.), Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 49--65.
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    A ciência e o projeto crítico kantiano.Eduardo Salles de Oliveira Barra - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (4):937-962.
    Este ensaio introdutório faz uma breve apresentação do tratado de óptica atribuído a Euclides de Alexandria, inserindo-o no contexto das teorias sobre a visão formuladas pelas doutrinas filosóficas antigas. Ressalta-se o antagonismo entre a análise geométrica da visão, empreendida por Euclides, e as considerações filosóficas acerca dos processos físicos subjacentes à sensação visual. Pretende-se mostrar que o objeto da óptica euclidiana é a percepção visual daquilo que Aristóteles denomina "sensível comum". This introductory essay provides an abridged presentation of the optical (...)
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    (2 other versions)Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 17, n. 54, set.-dez. 2019.Fabiano Victor de Oliveira Campos - forthcoming - Horizonte.
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 17, n. 54, set.-dez. 2019.
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    Os estudos estéticos de Benedetto Croce na cena brasileira, em comemoração ao jubileu de seu falecimento.Humberto Aparecido de Oliveira Guido - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (33):171-183.
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  17. Um Exame de Objeções a Ryle sobre o Funcionamento dos Termos Psicológicos Intencionais.Filipe Lazzeri & Jorge Oliveira-Castro - 2010 - Abstracta 6 (1):42-64.
    This paper briefly presents an account, partially based upon Ryle’s approach, of the functions of intentional psychological terms as they are used in ordinary language. According to this account, intentional psychological terms describe known patterns of behavior that are determined by selective mechanisms of causation. That is, these terms describe relations between certain responses, selected on the basis of the consequences they produce in the environment, and contexts of their occurrence, to which they become associated. Intentional psychological terms do not (...)
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  18. Detrascendentalizing subjetivity: Paul Ricoeur's revelatory hermeneutics of suspicion.Nythamar de Oliveira - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):371-399.
    O artigo esboça o desenvolvimento da hermenêutica filosófica de Paul Ricoeur a partir de sua fenomenologia da vontade em direção a uma hermenêutica da revelação, mostrando como o projeto radical de destranscendentalizar a subjetividade, subjacente à recepção francesa copntemporânea de uma hermenêutica da suspeita, terma por favorecer um retorno pós-hegeliano a Kant e reformula a filosofia transcendental numa correlação histórica e socialmente mediada entre linguagem e subjetividade, juntamente com uma dialética entre poesis e práxis.
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  19. Hypotheticalism and the objectivity of morality.Kelly Heuer - manuscript
    Mark Schroeder’s Slaves of the Passions defends a version of the Humean Theory of Reasons he calls “Hypotheticalism,” according to which all reasons an agent has for action are explained by desires that are in turn explained by reference to her psychology. This paper disputes Schroeder’s claim that his theory has the potential to allay long-standing worries about moral objectivity and normativity within a Humean framework because it fails to attain the requisite level of agent-neutrality for moral reasons. The particular (...)
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    A Troubled Solution: Medical Student Struggles with Evidence and Industry Bias.Kelly Joslin Holloway - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1673-1689.
    This empirical work attends to the tensions and contradictions medical students articulate when they discuss their objection to industry’s influence in medicine. Findings are based on 50 semi-structured interviews with medical students who are critical of the pharmaceutical industry’s influence in medical education in the United States and Canada. These students advocate evidence-based medicine as one solution to the problems with industry influence in medicine; namely industry bias in medical research. This investigation is an effort to understand why EBM is (...)
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    Aspectos Clínicos da Má Nutrição Na Covid-19.Adriana Aparecida de Oliveira Barbosa, Gabriel Cunha Beato, Pietra Antônia Filiol Belin & Larissa Ramos Araújo - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):01-19.
    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has sparked discussions among health professionals about the role of food and nutrition in the infectious condition caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in different population groups. Malnutrition, including obesity, may reflect more severe outcomes in the physiopathology of infection and systemic responses caused by COVID-19. The present work aims to make considerations directed to the nutritionist about the susceptibility of COVID-19 in individuals submitted to malnutrition, highlighting possible outcomes of the disease and the (...)
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  22.  12
    Sociedade Civil, Estado e Direito Em Hegel.Davi Galhardo Oliveira Filho - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (38):84-95.
    Em suas reflexões sobre a filosofia do direito, Alysson Leandro Mascaro destacou que atualmente G.W.F. Hegel é uma estação fundamental para qualquer estudioso dessa ciência. De fato, o autor alemão mostra-se de fundamental importância por pensarmos a sociedade civil burguesa e o Estado como aspectos inseparáveis para a necessária determinação do direito na era moderna (e contemporânea). Ao contrário da proposta jusnaturalista, Hegel coloca a questão do direito no interior da querela sobre o Estado moderno, esvaziando de sentido a ode (...)
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    Ontologia dos valores e o estado fiscal em crise: Fundamentos jurídicos.José Galbio Oliveira Junior - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (2):199-210.
    From taxation as a common element of the economic and fiscal crises in the COVID-19 pandemic, the work addresses the function of the tax in the Fiscal State and presents considerations from the theory of values that may indicate the solution of the established conflict. At the end, a brief judgment that faces the problem is presented, pointing out the use of the elements worked in the text, concluding that in the clash between the economic crisis suffered by some enterprises (...)
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    Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Diagramming Devotion: Berthold of Nuremberg’s Transformation of Hrabanus Maurus’s Poems in Praise of the Cross. Chicago; London, The University of Chicago Press, 2020.Celeste Maria Lourenço da Silva de Oliveira Pedro - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):154-157.
    The case study is presented in the title: Hrabanus Maurus’s In honorem sanctae crucis and Berthold of Nuremberg’s two-part work Liber de misteriis et laudibus sancta crucis and the supplement Liber de misteriis et laudibus interemerate Virginis genitrices Dei et Domini nostril Ihesu ) are confronted and dissected; and the use of the word “transformation” is key to the analytical and interpretive possibilities concerning the medieval formulas the author presents. Close to five hundred years separate the carmina figurata of the (...)
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  25. The breastfeeding programme in Brazil.P. Marin, Y. P. de Oliveira, M. T. Asquith, M. M. Wellington, I. Narayanan, M. Carballo, R. E. Jones, D. Munyakho, R. A. Bell & H. Marcovitch - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (1):153-60.
  26. Um projecto de intervençao em cuidados domiciliários e o seu contexto institucional.Ms Marques, V. Tomé, A. Oliveira, P. Maio & H. Bacelar Nicolau - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (2):323-334.
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    Semiotics and art: A preface.Ana Claudia Mei Alves de Oliveira - 1993 - Semiotica 97 (3-4):325-336.
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    Roman Litigation.A. Arthur Schiller & J. M. Kelly - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (4):506.
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    Training: Neural systems and intelligence applications.Kay Stanney, Kelly Hale, Sven Fuchs, Angela Baskin & Chris Berka - 2011 - Synesis: A Journal of Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy 2 (1):T38 - T44.
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    A Sociolinguística Educacional na prática de uma proposta interventiva com o gênero relato pessoal.Cláudia Zanata de Oliveira Vasconcelos & Neusa Inês Philippsen - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-15.
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  31. O significado do riso nos Poemas Homéricos.Manuel Oliveira Pulquério - 1959 - Humanitas 11.
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    A Bibliography of the Works of Robert E. McNally, S.J.Joseph F. Kelly - 1979 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 54 (3):230-232.
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    A Copernican Revolution in Corporate Governance.Marjorie Kelly - 1994 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 8 (2):6-6.
  34. Critical Objections to Michael Steinberg's Opt-In System for Kidney Transplantation.Matthew Kelly - 2006 - Penn Bioethics Journal 2 (1).
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  35. Cognition, the Given and the Quest for Certainty in Empirical Knowledge.Patrick Kelly - 1966 - Dissertation, Emory University
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  36. (1 other version) Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, 2d, rev. ed.Michael Kelly (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Equity or Essentialism?: U.S. Courts and the Legitimation of Girls’ Teams in High School Sport.Kimberly Kelly & Adam Love - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (2):227-249.
    Feminist scholars have critically analyzed the effects of sex segregation in numerous social institutions, yet sex-segregated sport often remains unchallenged. Even critics of sex-segregated sport have tended to accept the merits of women-only teams at face value. In this article, we revisit this issue by examining the underlying assumptions supporting women’s and girls’ teams and explore how they perpetuate gender inequality. Specifically, we analyze the 14 U.S. court cases wherein adolescent boys have sought to play on girls’ teams in their (...)
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    The Emergence of Roman Catholic Medical Ethics in North America: An Historical, Methodological, Bibliographical Study.David F. Kelly - 1979 - New York ; Toronto : E. Mellen Press.
    Focusing on general texts of moral theology, this study investigates how Roman Catholic medical ethics emerged in North America as a developed and self-conscious discipline. It applies questions that Roman Catholic moralists have been pondering for centuries to the relatively new field of medical ethics.
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  39. The Epistles of Peter and of Jude.J. N. D. Kelly - 1969
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  40. (1 other version)The Gifts of the Spirit: Aquinas and the Modern Context.AnthonyJ Kelly - 1974 - The Thomist 38 (194):28.
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    The Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the Church.Gerard Kelly - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (4):445.
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    O impacto da depressão materna nos problemas internalizantes de pré-escolares.Patrícia Alvarenga, João Marcos de Oliveira & Taiane Lins - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:94-108.
    Este estudo comparou a frequência de queixas de ansiedade, depressão, retraimento, reatividade emocional e sintomas somáticos em filhos de mães com indicadores de depressão, com a frequência das mesmas queixas em filhos de mães sem indicadores de depressão, avaliados pela escala de problemas intern..
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    The ethics of sentencing white-collar criminals.Phillip Balsmeier & Jennifer Kelly - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (2):143 - 152.
    The consistent sentencing of white collar criminals does not exist in today's judicial system. Guidelines for sentencing individuals and corporations have already been developed by the U.S. Sentencing Commission but have not yet been implemented in the courts. Pros and cons of the guidelines are given, as is the extent and form of sentencing deemed appropriate for the individual or corporation. The activities of the sentencing commission are depicted by a timeline.
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  44. Políticas públicas no século XXI : contrastes entre a ciência política convencional e o experimentalismo institucional de Unger.Felipe Iraldo de Oliveira Biasoli - 2019 - In Carlos Sávio G. Teixeira (ed.), Rebeldia imaginada: instituições e alternativas no pensamento de Roberto Mangabeira Unger. [São Paulo, SP]: Autonomia Literária.
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    Anarqueologia como operador metodológico e éthos filosófico em Michel Foucault.Clayton Cesar de Oliveira Borges - 2022 - Aufklärung 9 (3):51-60.
    A questão relacionada ao método, na obra de Michel Foucault, é uma problemática na qual alguns pesquisadores têm se debruçado, tendo em vista a diversidade dos caminhos de pesquisa trilhados ao longo de sua produção intelectual. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo, através de uma discussão teórica, pretende colocar em pauta o conceito de anarqueologia, desenvolvido pelo filósofo francês no curso Do governo dos vivos, de 1980. A hipótese que se pretende desdobrar é a de que o conceito em voga se (...)
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    (1 other version)¿Qué significa actuar por un fin? La respuesta de Francisco Suárez en el ms De beatitudine (1579) y en el tratado De ultimo fine hominis.Rosa Colmenarejo Fernández & Paula Oliveira E. Silva - 2018 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (279):271-298.
    La influencia de la obra y doctrina de Francisco Suárez en la conformación del pensamiento moderno ha sido ampliamente estudiada en áreas como la filosofía política y del derecho, la metafísica o la epistemología. Sin embargo, la filosofía moral de Suárez, en concreto aquella que, como él mismo explica, habrá de servir de base a sus tratados de teología moral, está todavía por analizar. El objetivo de este trabajo es traer a luz algunos aspectos de la teoría suareciana sobre la (...)
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  47. Initium: a natalidade do iniciador.Cicero Josinaldo da Silva Oliveira - 2010 - Revista Inquietude 1 (1):10-19.
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    Husserl's phenomenology ofmeaning in the logjcal investigations.Nythamar Fernandes De Oliveira - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (1):117-134.
    Este artigo procura mostrar que,apesar de emergir de uma visão tradicional emetafísica da linguagem, a teoria husserliana dosignificado enquanto espécie ideal nas mvestigaçõesLógicas não é redutível a urna expressãolingüística de uma adequação essencialista erepresentacional, mas antes enfatiza o papel daintencionalidade, a idealidade da linguagem e ocaráter constitutivo da consciência no preenchimentoda "significação".
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  49. Comparative studies of students' beliefs and understandings in Brazil, Italy, and Galapagos Islands.S. Oliveira Graciela, Ana Maria Santos Gouw Helenadja Santos Mota & Nelio Bizzo - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.), Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    An activity‐based learning third‐level course on survey sampling.Gabrielle E. Kelly - 2010 - Educational Studies 36 (4):461-464.
    This paper describes a novel method for the delivery of an introductory module on survey sampling at a third?level institution. As part of the module, students undertake a practical survey that is of interest not only to themselves but also to university administrators and other module coordinators. Unlike many data collection activities used in class, these data have intrinsic value. This module is shown to produce students with a high level of expertise in survey sampling. It also fosters in students (...)
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